And can we talk about the video for a second.man it's great. The video for "Dinner and Diatribes" feeds into my interpretation. The intense, all consuming kind that you want to fight, but in the end know it's a lost cause and you give yourself over to it. So this song, what does it say to me? Well, being a romance writer I feel like the song is looking for that deep, all encompassing type of love.

Which, of course, is subjective to the listener. And when you listen to his lyrics you find they have a deeper hidden meaning. He isn't just ballads, or pop, or rock, etc. I enjoy the artist, Hozier, he produces a wide variety of music.

This week's selection hasn't made it into a playlist, yet, but it could. He's in New York now visiting with his father and I'm trying to recoup from the missed sleep. My Marine nephew was here for a visit before his first deployment so that meant a lot of late nights hanging out. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and Easter if you celebrate.